After establishment, WCSHC has signed six contracts with Oromia Industrial Park Development Corporation for the Construction of Integrated Agro-industrial Park at Bulbula ( East Showa Zone) and Rural Transformation Center at Shashemenne (West Arsi) with a total contract amount of ETB 3.12 Billion. The projects are classified in to three phases for each of the projects as detailed.

S.No. Project Description Contract Amount With VAT
1 Bulbula IAIP projects
1.1. Phase I (Building and shades) 353,042,171.47
1.2. Phase II (Infrastructure) 1,578,771,128.56
1.3. Phase III (Residential Buildings and Fence) 601,915,776.85
2 Shashemenne RTC projects
2.1. Phase I (Building and shades) 363,950,943.39
2.2. Phase II (Infrastructure) 134,906,699.65
2.3. Phase III (Residential Buildings and Fence) 94,903,752.71
3. Gelan coffee roasting Project 18,530,230.00